out for sushi in celebration of my XXII birthday – photo cred goes to Regan
I live in Ecuador and I had pumpkin pie for my birthday.
I don't know if you realize how remarkable that statement is. You see, pumpkin…you can't find it in Ecuador. It just doesn't exist. No pumpkin seeds, no canned pumpkin, nothin'. This posed a problem to me; I've had pumpkin pie for my birthday for as long as I can remember, and while there's certainly nothing unpleasant about eating chocolate cake for you birthday (or anytime, for that matter), pumpkin pie makes the experience so much more special.
pumpkin pie with my twin
pumpkin pie with dragon hair
because two is better than one
pumpkin pie with my twin (again)
pumpkin pie in ECUADOR
pumpkin cupcake
pumpkin ice cream
Okay, I just really have this thing for pumpkin.
So we flew Jeff to the states and had him lug back several cans of pumpkin in his carry-on (yeah, bet that was fun). Yay!
The night before my birthday, Emme took me out for sushi, then she and Regan hauled me through several clothing stores and probadores until finally determining I looked cute in a pale blue blouse (with ruffles!!) and floral skinnies. I have always wanted floral skinnies.
On my birthday, I awoke to the smell of Happiness, which, in case you didn't know, is a mixture of citrus and apples and cinnamon. To me, it smells like Autumn and Christmas and the holidays and… and happiness. The source of this Happiness was a potpourri blend Regan found on pinterest. She and the girls made me breakfast which included an apple-cinnamon smoothie (drinkable happiness) and mini muffins (bite-sized happiness) and crêpes with strawberries & nutella (I don't even need to say it, do I?)
Thanks to everyone for all their birthday wishes! It's going to be a good year. :)
I love your photos and your pumpkin obsession and your happiness and everything about this post. Also, you.